Formulas that Work
Solu-Tech formulates from three guiding principles:
Simplicity: every ingredient must have a purpose
Efficacy: every ingredient must add to the final product’s performance
Feasibility: the formula must work in terms of cost, safety, and manufacturing — scaling factors are considered at every stage
New Formulation
Solu-Tech transforms clients’ ideas into reality. All Solu-Tech formulas integrate Lean manufacturing and Baldridge quality principles, to make eventual scaling as efficient as possible.
A New Formulation project engagement is customized to client needs. Steps may include:
Initial consultation to discover project goals and constraints
Raw materials research
Pro forma ingredient declaration
Experiment design
Stability testing
Reformulation & Mentoring
Solu-Tech can
Review and refit an existing formula for performance, optimize pricing, or better align with value propositions like “made in USA” or “talc-free.”
Streamline and freshen overcomplicated formulas, to improve results for the beauty consumer and your bottom line. Legacy products tend to be over-preserved and over-emulsified, with excess and non-functioning ingredients.
Mentor your R&D team, showing them expert skills and insights that will achieve product safety, compliance, performance, or supply chain goals.